
Monday, 1 March 2010

Microsoft To Offer Browser Choices Across Europe

From today Microsoft is asking European Users if they would like to use a different browser other than Internet Explorer (IE).

This change has come as part of a deal that Microsoft have made with the European Commission after being accused of abusing its market position.

From 1st March 2010 a pop up will appear prompting users to choose and install one of 12 different browsers or to stay with IE. This software will come via the Windows Update software that Microsoft use to distribute their security patches.

The update has been prepared for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, even so, not all users of these will see the pop up. It will not appear for those who are already running a different default browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox or Safari. Users that have IE as their default browser and who have taken the option of allowing Windows to automatically install updates are guaranteed to see the pop up.

Anyone who has the automatic install of updates turned off will today be prompted today to install and run this software. These users may also go to the Windows Update site, run a "Check For Updates" and get it. When the software runs it will now present users with a window saying "An important choice to make: your browser". It also asks users to ensure they are connected to the internet. On clicking "Ok" they will then see the choice of the 12 browsers available with information on each to help users decide which suits their requirements. There is also an "opt out" option will will allow users to make a decision at a later date and will then place a shortcut icon on the users desktop giving users this browser choice at another time. Users wanting to stick with IE will be prompted to upgrade to the latest IE version which is currently IE8.

Currently the browser market share is:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 62.12%
Mozilla Firefox 24.43%
Google Chrome 5.22%
Safari 4.53%
Opera 2.38
Mini Opera 0.59%
Other 0.68M

It will be interesting to see what if any effect this change will have on the browser market share.

The pop up is already confusing many users who have been thinking they have a virus or that their computer has been taken over.

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