
Friday, 19 March 2010

Gardening Time

The time has come and I have made a good start on the planting of vegatables.

I finished a temporary employment contract a couple of weeks ago and am finding it very hard to find something else at the moment - there doesn't seem to be very much around at present.  I am basically applying for anything that my CV matches up to but not hearing much back - I sometimes think that the majority of jobs advertised online don't even exist and they are just there to get you registered with the agencies.

Anyway, I have decided to use this time productively and while the sun is shining I thought it would be great to make a start on the massive garden we now have.

I started by sowing some chilli and sweet pepper seeds inside which I had saved up over winter, these are already growing very nicely and I have now separated them and put them in pots of their own.  I am going to give a few away as more grew than I expected.

Earlier this week I dug over the vegetable patch, I have now sown quite a few seeds both vegetables and herbs - the list so far is as follows:

Peppers (capsicum)
Spring onions

I have planted more than enough of each of these for now and in a few weeks I will plant more of some of the vegetables to ensure a good ongoing crop.

I will keep posting as things grow and I will also be adding pictures so anyone who wants to can see the progress - it's as much for me as anyone else really so I can see which things work best.  I am hoping everything grows as this will cut down the food bill by quite a bit - we get through a lot of vegetables each week.

I now need some sort of greenhouse as there are certain things that I want to grow that are unlikely to grow outside and space inside is limited to windowsills.  The problem with this is the two cats have a habit of jumping up there and I'm not sure how safe they'd be - I can imaging soil all over the floor due to one of the cats knocking things off.

For now I have a few that are growing on windowsills but am keeping a close eye - especially on the kitten who seems to think everything is his toy!

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