This is a big step for scientific research if it works to be able to get an idea of what happened 13.7 billlion years ago. To try to recreate this scientific researchers in Switzerland have built a highly complex piece of equipment. It is basically an enormous particle ac
celerator which is used to study the smallest known particles. When they switch on there will be two beams of sub-atomic particles (hadrons), either protons or lead ions, these will then travel in circular directions inside the circular accelerator and with each lap it does it gaining energy. Physicists at CERN in Switzerland are hoping to recreate what happened immediately after the big bang by colliding the two beams head on at extremely high energy. The particles created in the collisions will then be analysed by a number of physicists from around the world by doing various experiments.
These experiments will hopefully give us some idea of what gives matter a mass, as matter makes up only 4% of the universe what is the other 96%, why does nature prefer matter to anti-matter (opposite electric charge to matter) and how matter evolved from what happened 13.7 billion years ago.
There are many different opinions on what these physicists are doing some feel they are playing with fire and it could all go horribly wrong, others see it as a massive breakthrough in the world of science.

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